Filklore Posts

August 18, 2019
I’m a bit of a worrier. So whenever I used to foster a dog, knowing that chocolate is toxic to dogs, I more or less didn’t buy chocolate for the entire time of the foster.

I know that this is over the top, but worrying about dropping a chocolate having the dog gobble it up, or otherwise letting the dog consume it, it was easier to simply not have it around.

August 14, 2019
To my surprise, in Windows 10, there is no control for the scroll bar width (at least not that I can find). In Windows 7, it was directly controlled by one of the Advanced screens in the control panel. I would have thought it would be a prime contender for an entry in Windows 10’s Ease of Access controls, but no.

July 29, 2019
July 16, 2019
The Show 5 is wedge-shaped, like the Show, with a screen about he size of the average mobile phone. The screen is nice and bright, with a good resolution. The sound is quite wonderful, far better than the similarly sized Spot. One feature I like a lot is a physical switch in the case, which covers the camera. This is quite appropriate, as I can see this being an excellent bedside device.

June 28, 2019
May 22, 2019
May 7, 2019
I have an old Parrot piano accordion, which was given to me by an aunt many years ago. It was the larger (37 keys, 80 buttons) of two accordions she had and played, and was then too heavy for her to manage.

Knowing I was musical, she asked me if I wanted it. Somewhat startled, I answered yes.

April 15, 2019
Some time ago, I posted how Storyline, the free online tool I had used to write my first Alexa skills, had changed to Invocable, a paid platform charging developer level charges for hosting (i.e. hundreds of dollars a month).

At the time, however, they said existing skills would continue to work, even if you didn’t pay, you just wouldn’t be able to make changes.

February 1, 2019
January 22, 2019
January 18, 2019