The Adjustment Bureau

What better way to spend a couple of hours on a rainy day than go see a film?

A different cinema today, and a different choice of films.

The Adjustment Bureau stars Matt Damon and is (loosely) based on a short story by Philip K. Dick. Dick’s short fiction has been mined for quite a few movie adaptations, and while this by no means the best of these, it is entertaining enough.

Spoilers may follow

My main criticism is that it spins a fairly simple story out for too long; the other is that where my recollection of the short story had it hinted at the end that the “Old Man” was a deity, in the film there is no doubt throughout that “The Chairman” is supposed to be god. Which kind of negates the idea that this is supposed to be science fiction.

However Damon is convincing in the lead, and Emily Blunt provides a very watchable love interest.

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